Time & Location
Mar 29, 2022, 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
About the Event
It’s Time to Get FireSmart in our Neighborhood! Wildfire is a risk that all British Columbians need to be prepared for. It’s a big task, but FireSmart can help us take steps to protect our homes and Woodhaven from wildfire.
Join us for a talk “FireSmart: What, Why & How” by City of Kelowna Urban Forester, Tara Bergeson! There’ll be lots of time for questions too!
Tuesday March 29, 2022, 7 PM on Zoom! Contact nancyholmes.nh@gmail.comfor Zoom Link.
Tara is a Professional Forester and the Urban Forester with the City of Kelowna Parks Department. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Forestry from UBC and a Master’s of Science in Forestry from UNBC. Originally from Manitoba, she found her way out west through tree planting, and spent 15 years in the silviculture industry as a treeplanter, researcher, and eventually as a forester. She has been with the City in her current role for almost four years and is enjoying calling Kelowna home.
FireSmart- Woodhaven
Join us for a talk “FireSmart: What, Why & How” by City of Kelowna Urban Forester, Tara Bergeson! There’ll be lots of time for questions too!
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