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Writer's pictureLori Mairs

Hands On Trees

Photo: Susan Neilson

“Hands On Trees”

Well, here we are in summer already and that dastardly COVID has us re-imagining our hopeful and wondrous plans for activities in Woodhaven. Of course there were all sorts of wonderment and clever ideas in the making but you know what? switching it up might mean being on the cutting edge of new ways of paying attention to the natural world and what could better right now?

Where we went in the switch-up is a series of bi-weekly challenges to take with you into Woodhaven. As always, with the intention of keeping the mark we leave gentle in the place, and of course adhering to the RDCO moniker “take only pictures, leave only footprints” these bi-weekly challenges involve photography. You don't have to be a 'photographer' to participate, point and shoot cameras and cell phones are perfectly fine. The first challenge is to find a tree(s) you're fond of, place your hand on the bark, in the foliage, on a branch, somewhere on that very tree and photograph it then send it to us. We call this challenge: “Hands On Trees” (not a fancy title but does the job). If you like, tell us a little bit about why you're fond of this tree, what drew you to it? is there something you think or feel when you're around this particular tree? how did you begin to notice it? what's the attraction? When you send us a photo and your writing we'll include it on our Facebook page and here on our website.

Challenge: “Hands On Trees”

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